Antipasto with melon, mozzarella, ham and basil, selective focus




Choux 300x200
Tian 300x200


Please inquire for alternate menu suggestions.

Special requests may require separate pricing.

Delivery charges may apply depending on distance to villa.



Starter :

 - Assortment of fresh tomatoes with basil, garlic, mozzarella
 - Fresh salmon tartar with Japanese lemon, chives
 - Tomato pie and Tapenade
 - Beet mousse and fresh cheese
 - Niçoise salad
 - Crease of raw ham and fresh melon
 - Tabbouleh
 - Pesto Soup
 - seafood salad
 - Herbed Bean Salad

Main Course :

 - Grilled Lamb Ribs
 - Royal Couscous
 - Grilled Duck Breasts
 - Aioli of cod, vegetables and steamed potatoes
 - Salmon Pasta
 - Cod with saffron sauce and small vegetables
 - Vongole Spaghetti
 - Slowly cooked lamb shanks
 - Thinly cut salmon sticks with garlic cream

 - Cantonese Rice - 
 - Parmigiana d’aubergines - 
 - Ratatouille - 
 - Roasted vegetables - 
 - Tagliatelle of zucchini and onions - 
 - Tabbouleh - 
 - French potato Gratin - 
 - Lasagna - 
 - Quinoa with small seasonal vegetables - 
 - Various roasted vegetables - 

Dessert :

 - Fresh Fruit Salad
 - Chocolate mousse
 - Fruit pie
 - Red Fruit Sabayon
 - Crème brûlée with basil
 - Peach and orange pancakes
 - Mango, peach and walnut soup
 - Meringue floating on crème anglaise

Also :

Rose also provides breakfast service - see pricing below

Children's Menu :

Upon request

Price :

Meals: 360€ + cost of grocery list
Breakfast service price for up to 8 adults : 250€ + the cost of the groceries
All service and 4 hours of work included in the price

Terms :

Price up to 6 adults
From 7 guests--different pricing applies
All service is included in the price




Merci à vous Rose, c’était super et vraiment très bon, le gratin hier avec les pintadeaux était délicieux !!!! Merci et si nous revenons dans la région nous n’hésiterons pas à vous rappeler !
Très belle année 2019

Thank you again for your excellent meals during our stay!! Hope we return :)) and we loved your home town of cassis!

Kristan Lyttle

Thank you, Rose. You were a very bright spot on our vacation.We loved you!
All the very best for a successful summer.

Rose - the children are still taking about ‘Chef Rose’ thank you so much. Grateful to have met you and appreciative of your amazing service.

Many thanks to you Rose!  It was an amazing meal, and it was lovely meet you.  When we return to St. Remy, we will call you again.

A bientôt-

Bonjour Rose,
Merci pour la belle note!
Vous avez créé une merveilleuse soirée pour notre famille et nous avons beaucoup apprécié vous rencontrer et avoir le bon dîner que vous nous avez préparé.

J'espère que nous nous reverrons mais, en attendant, nos meilleurs vœux

Bill et famille

We had an amazing meal prepared by Nadège and an
equally impressive one by Rose. The only drawback was
their limited availability. Next year I will book earlier!

We had Rose for two nights.  She was a delight and very accommodating. Loved her

Thank you so much Rose we really enjoyed our evening together and you were a delight!

Oh, thank you, Rose! It was such a pleasure to meet you and the meal was amazing! Thank you for your kindness and your patience!!!

Thank you for the fantastic meal last night!
Great luxury for us to be looked after by you.

Merci Rose - We will try to match your standard! 

Hi Rose,
We appreciate your very kind note and want to thank you again for such a lovely and delicious dinner. It really was a fantastic way to begin our week in Provence. Today we spent much of the day walking around the market in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue where Maud told us you live. It’s a charming village and the market was an amazing experience. When we got back to our villa, we enjoyed a glass of wine with some of last night’s “leftovers,” specifically the salmon salad and the eggplant dip. Once again, thanks so much.
Kind regards,
Tom and family